Should You Hike on an Empty Stomach?

eating-Should You Hike On An Empty Stomach?

Hiking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and spend time in nature. There are many hiking trails throughout the world with varying degrees of difficulty, hiking lengths, and terrain. If you have ever been hiking before then you know that hikes can be long and strenuous so being well-fueled is important for your body’s energy needs. But what about when hiking on an empty stomach?

By hiking with an empty stomach, there is a high chance that you will become tired and lightheaded, which can lead to accidents and mistake prone decision making. However, there are mixed opinions on whether or not it is safe to hike on an empty stomach but there are also some pretty good reasons why fasting may be beneficial for hiking. Let's take a look at both sides of the issue.

Those In Favor…

Proponents of hiking on an empty stomach argue that fasting allows your digestive system to take a break which can be beneficial for those with gastrointestinal issues. They also say that if you are hiking for a short time and at a low intensity, then it is okay to hike without eating anything.

Supporters of hiking on an empty stomach also say that hiking while fasting can help you get a feel for your body’s needs. This is because by hiking without eating beforehand, you will start to notice how much energy and water your body really needs during the hike in order to maintain its normal function. If you become thirsty then this usually means that you need to drink more water and if you start to feel lightheaded or dizzy then this usually means that you need to eat something.

Those Not In Favor…

Those who are against hiking on an empty stomach say that it can be dangerous to hike without any food in your system. They argue that hiking is a strenuous activity and that you need fuel in order to perform at your best. Without food, you may feel tired and lightheaded while hiking, which could lead to dangerous and problematic situations.

Those who argue against hiking without eating anything say that it can be dangerous to hike on an empty stomach because you could become dehydrated or suffer from hypoglycemia. Hiking is a strenuous activity and your body needs fuel to perform well during the hike. There is even evidence to suggest that taking part in a strenuous activity while fasted causes your body to burn more stored fat thus, creating a situation where your body will want to store more fat to combat the intense workouts on a fasted stomach. Per, if you are going to workout you should eat a few hours before partaking in strenuous activity. Check out their article here to see their recommended food sources.

Final Thoughts

In the end, it is up to you whether or not you choose to hike on an empty stomach. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument so make sure that you weigh all of the risks and benefits before making a decision. If you do decide to try hiking without eating anything then start with short hikes at low intensities to see how your body reacts. And always bring plenty of water and snacks with you in case you need them during the hike. Happy hiking!

What are your thoughts on hiking on an empty stomach? Share them in the comments below!

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